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Dictionary for controllers

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IGC-dictionary for controllers / IGC-Controller-Wörterbuch

The IGC-dictionary for controllers includes the main terms regarding practical knowledge for controlling in German - English and English - German. The dictionary is arranged alphabetically in each language, it ranges from A for Abgrenzungen (accruals and deferrals) to Z for Ziel (objective/target). Not only are the terms translated into the respective language but the dictionary also provides detailed substantive explanations supported by numerous graphics. In its fourth edition, the IGC-dictionary for controllers has been revised and expanded to various currently discussed terms with regard to accounting and governance.

The objective of the bilingual IGC-dictionary for controllers is to contribute to the standardization of a single, clearly defined controller-technical vocabulary. It is intended to serve practitioners and students as reference book for the most important technical terms.
The IGC-dictionary for controllers has been purchased more than 17’000 times since the year 2000. Thus it has become an international standard for technical terms in controlling and for controllership.

All users are invited to support the further development of this dictionary with feedback and suggestions. Please send your input to:

IGC International Group of Controlling
Dr. L. Rieder
c/o CZSG Controller Zentrum St. Gallen, Engelaustr. 25,
9010 St. Gallen/Switzerland


IGC-Controller-Wörterbuch, International Group of Controlling (Hrsg.), 4. Auflage, Schäffer-Poeschel, Stuttgart, 2010