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Welcome to ControllingWiki, the platform for controlling-know-how, owned by ICV, the International Association of Controllers, located in Wörthsee, Bavaria, Germany. It has about 6,000 members all over Europe. They usually are active controllers in small, medium or large companies. The association, founded in 1975, brings together practising controllers as well as academics like students and teachers from universities. The association spreads the philosophy and the applications of controlling, promotes the exchange of experience and raises the professional qualification of its members. The ICV sees itself as a lobbyist and as a representative of the business-management competence in public. Experience and communication among the members as well as the focus on future-oriented topics are important targets of the association strategy.

Board of Directors

Prof. Dr. Heimo Losbichler, Steyr, Austria, Chairman Carmen Zillmer, Wörthsee, Germany, Managing Director Matthias von Daacke, Oberderdingen, Deputy Germany Siegfried Gänßlen, Stuttgart, Germany Karl-Heinz Steinke, Idstein / Ts., Germany Dr. Klaus Eiselmayer, Munich, Germany Malgorzata Podskarbi, Poznan, Poland