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Wersja z dnia 17:28, 18 wrz 2012 autorstwa BellamyWoolford787 (dyskusja | edycje) (Utworzył nową stronę „FastForward your Affiliate revenue! PartyPoker and WPT Poker are celebrating the official launch of their fast poker offering– FastForward. FastForward is the tur...”)
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FastForward your Affiliate revenue!

PartyPoker and WPT Poker are celebrating the official launch of their fast poker offering– FastForward.

FastForward is the turbo-charged way to play cash games where the action is always on you. You don’t like your cards? Fast forward to a new hand at the click of a button – more hands, more action, more fun!

Login to your Party Partners account to get the new exciting banners and links for the Fast Forward Poker! Speed up your game and your affiliate earnings with the hottest feature on PartyPoker and WPT Poker!