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Wersja z dnia 15:30, 21 sty 2013 autorstwa TonieBrumley120 (dyskusja | edycje) (Utworzył nową stronę „Raw Dog Food - How Controversial Can It Be? Feeding raw has long been a controversial issue. Many pet owners feel very strongly that raw is best for their pets. But ...”)
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Raw Dog Food - How Controversial Can It Be?

Feeding raw has long been a controversial issue. Many pet owners feel very strongly that raw is best for their pets. But there are also large numbers of pet owners who disagree, for various reasons.

Raw dog food is quite simple to prepare. Turkey or chicken necks, backs and legs supply the needed calcium and crunch in the dog's diet. Make sure that you include the skin to put in fat which is valuable to a dog's nutrient requirements. You can also serve small blocks of raw meat and mix it in with fresh vegetables like carrots. Chop into small pieces the bones and the other elements to ensure the animal doesn't choke on his food.

As you prepare his meals, keep in mind that grains and fruit should also be included in his dog supplies. Fresh fruits in particular, provide necessary antioxidants that help in preventing certain diseases to come upon your pet. Seasoning the meals with flavorful herbs and spices will make it more interesting for the dog. Garlic is a healthy additive but take heed in the doses you give - too much can cause digestive problems to rise up.

When you walk your dog there are times he will eat the grass that cover the park or your neighbor's lawn. Unless it is illegal, do not stop him from doing so. Grass will help cleansing his colon. Moreover, it will aid in the proper absorption of undigested bones and meat left in the dog's system.

One of the most noticeable benefits of serving a raw diet to your pet is seeing their beautiful white teeth and them having fresher breath than their processed food fed friends. The reason for this is most likely because of the natural enzymes found in fresh food and the decreased amount of toxins that may be caught in between doggie's teeth.

Another cause of switching to a raw diet is the marked reduction in the amount of poop the dog eliminates. You can also determine how to better improve their diet with the appearance of the stool. If the stool is too squashy, then add more hard bones; if the stool is too hard, increase vegetable servings in his meals. You will also observe that there is very little foul smell as well.

So in the opinion of many pet owners, and dog nutritionists and other dog food and feeding experts, raw dog food is the healthiest type of food you can feed your dog.